38 Dallington crescent Balga WA 6061


Specialist Disability Accommodation In Perth

“Home is where accessibility, independence, and community come together.”
Specialist disability accommodation (SDA) creates home environments that empower independent living. The NDIS offers SDA funding for participants with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs. This subsidizes suitable housing with advanced accessibility features and assistive tech. SDA provides participants full inclusion, freedom of choice, and active community participation.
At Achieve Disability Care, our dedicated SDA team delivers customised NDIS accommodation in Perth. We collaborate to design SDA residences with optimal accessibility, liveability, and support provisions. This includes floor plans, entryways, kitchens, bathrooms, lighting, lifts, etc., finely tuned to each resident’s needs. Achieve Care furnishes SDA homes with smart home technology, allowing intuitive, integrated control of surroundings.
With SDA, participants direct their own support in the comfort of their homes. We build care teams providing flexible in-home assistance, maximizing independence in daily living. Residents have full authority in scheduling care, controlling privacy, inviting visitors, etc. SDA enables empowered decision-making and personalized support unique to each participant. Most of all, SDA means belonging to a welcoming community.
To learn more about NDIS-funded SDA, contact the specialists at Achieve Disability Care. Let us help you make an accessible, tech-enabled house a home.

What is SDA Accommodation?

SDA accommodation refers to Specialist Disability Accommodation funded through the NDIS for eligible participants. It provides suitable housing for people with extreme functional impairment or high support needs.
SDA accommodation aims to give participants independence, choice, and control over where and how they live. There are several types of SDA designed to meet different accessibility and support needs:
SDA accommodation is funded based on the participant’s needs and goals. It promotes inclusion and participation by enabling accessible and well-designed housing.
NDIS funding for SDA gives participants options in housing that suit their disability requirements. It opens up possibilities for independent living.

NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation Eligibility

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) funds eligible participants to access Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA). SDA refers to accommodation for people with extreme functional impairment and very high support needs.
To be eligible for SDA funding, NDIS participants must meet specific criteria around functional impairment and support needs. The impairment must be permanent and participants require assistance with mobility, self-care and/or self-management. Eligibility is not based on a specific disability diagnosis.
Eligibility for SDA funding is determined through an independent assessment process. This involves a detailed evaluation of the participant’s support needs, determining the applicable SDA dwelling type and design category. The assessment aims to match the accommodation with the individual’s needs and goals.
SDA is only funded by the NDIS, which provides a better avenue to cater to the participant’s disability support needs when compared to other types of support only. Residents in SDA have very high needs and thus are required to live in very specialized homes, usually with high levels of person-to-person support.

What are benefits of NDIS SDA?

Access to suitable and affordable housing is a major benefit of the NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) program. SDA funding allows participants to live in housing designed and built to meet their accessibility needs.
One advantage of SDA is that properties include special design features to maximize participants’ independence, like wheelchair access, hoists and assistive technology. The tailored housing aligns with each participant’s support requirements.
Another key benefit is that SDA funding covers the additional building costs to meet accessibility standards. This lowers rental costs for eligible participants, increasing choice and participation in community living. SDA also provides certainty and consistency for participants with longer leases and suitable housing.
NDIS SDA program enables independent community living for eligible participants by funding suitable, accessible, affordable housing tailored to their support needs. This increases choice, inclusion, and participation.

How to get SDA Accommodation Service?

To get SDA accommodation service, contact the NDIS and confirm your eligibility. A planner will assess your needs and determine if you require Specialist Disability Accommodation. If approved, search for registered SDA providers and suitable housing. Submit an accommodation request and budget to the NDIS for approval.
Once accommodation is approved, inspect potential properties that meet your needs. Consider location, accessibility features, and onsite support. Select your preferred option and confirm details with your planner and provider.
Finalize arrangements by signing your accommodation agreement. Arrange support and services through your plan. Move in once preparations are complete. Receive ongoing SDA funding for suitable housing. Here is the simple process again:
Ongoing NDIS payments help cover suitable housing costs.

Q & A

How do I access SDA funding?

How much will I pay for my accommodation?

Am I allowed pets in the home?

How do I apply for Supported Disability Accommodation (SDA) in my NDIS plan?


Address: 38 Dallington crescent Balga WA 6061