38 Dallington crescent Balga WA 6061


Respite Short-Term Accommodation

“Respite care provides a lifeline to caregivers and care recipients, allowing time off to restore energy and strengthen relationships.”
That’s why the NDIS offers respite services like short term accommodation. This allows participants to take a brief holiday while receiving 24/7 support. Accommodation can range from a few days at a facility to several weeks away. At Achieve Disability Care, we provide personalized respite stays tailored to each client’s needs. Our trained support workers assist with daily living, medications, appointments, activities, etc.
We collaborate with participants to create customized support plans promoting choice, dignity, and independence during respite breaks. Respite accommodation through the NDIS allows caregivers time to recharge as well. Taking a mutual break strengthens the caregiving relationship. Meanwhile, participants enjoy new social connections and a change of scenery. Most importantly, respite emphasizes abilities, interests, and living life to the fullest.
Contact Achieve Disability Care to learn more about NDIS-funded respite accommodation. Our compassionate team is here to help plan and facilitate your ideal getaway.

What Is NDIS Respite Accommodation?

NDIS respite accommodation gives NDIS participants temporary stays outside their homes, providing new environments and social interactions. It is funded through the NDIS for eligible participants.
Respite accommodation offers a safe and supportive environment for the NDIS participant to stay for a short period, such as a weekend or a week. It provides supervision and assistance with daily living while giving the person with a disability opportunities for community participation and social inclusion.
There are different types of respite accommodation available, including:
Respite importantly supports focusing on their capabilities, passions, and living fully. NDIS funding enables access to quality respite.

What Kind Of Support Does Respite Provide?

Respite presents an intermission from usual demands with supervision and help in a new setting. Respite provides participants time to experience new activities and opportunities.
Respite care can be provided in the home. A respite worker comes to the home to care for the care recipient. This allows the primary caregiver to leave the home for a brief period. Respite can also be provided at an adult day center. Respite care may also be provided overnight in a facility. This allows the caregiver an extended break.
Respite is typically available for limited hours per week or month. It varies based on location and the services required. Respite provides caregivers with a necessary break.
With respite, NDIS participants can take pauses while their needs are addressed. It provides a reprieve from responsibilities and chances to chase interests. Respite care helps participants have positive life experiences.

How do I get Respite funding in my NDIS plan?

To get respite in your NDIS plan, request it when developing your plan. The NDIA will determine if you’re eligible based on your support needs.
When requesting respite, be clear about the type and frequency you need. Options include in-home respite, such as hiring a support worker for a few hours, or out-of-home respite, like a short stay in a respite facility. Specify how often you need respite – for example, 10 hours per month or 1 weekend per quarter.
Provide evidence to support your request, like doctor recommendations. Highlight how respite will benefit you and why it’s reasonable for your situation.
You can get the respite funding you need added to your NDIS plan with evidence and persistence. This provides valuable breaks that help sustain care relationships.

How Do I Find An NDIS Respite Service Provider?

Finding an NDIS respite provider starts with asking your planner for recommendations. They know reputable local providers experienced with your needs.
You can also browse agencies and respite centers nearby. When researching, look for providers specializing in respite services with experience assisting people with disabilities like yours. Check credentials, read reviews, and interview by phone to assess competency and compatibility. Ask about training, care philosophy, activities, and more.
Narrow options to 3-5 promising providers. Schedule in-home visits to meet staff and evaluate professionalism, rapport, and facility suitability. Take notes on impressions afterward.
With some research, you’ll be able to find an NDIS respite provider that is a great match for your specific respite needs and preferences.

Benefits of NDIS Respite Care Service?

Respite provides short-term care in the home or a facility. The NDIS funds respite for eligible people.
Respite care is a core support service funded by the NDIS. It gives family members or other unpaid carers a break from their caring responsibilities. Respite provides short-term care, either in the home or outside the home. The NDIS funds different types of respite, including emergency respite, planned respite, and flexible respite options.
Getting away from the usual surroundings can be rejuvenating. Respite offers participants a chance to follow their passions and build relationships.

Q & A

Why Ask For Short-Term Accommodation In Your NDIS Plan?

How Much NDIS Funding Can I Get For Respite?

What Is The Difference Between STA/ Respite, Medium Term Accommodation (MTA), And Supported Independent Living (SIL)?


Address: 38 Dallington crescent Balga WA 6061