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How To Use Your NDIS Funds For Personal Training?

If you participate in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and want to improve your physical health and fitness, you may wonder if you can use your NDIS funds for personal training. The good news is that you can! Here are some ways to use your NDIS funds for personal training and related services.

First, personal training is funded by the NDIS under the Improved Health and Wellbeing category, which helps participants stay healthy. Under this category, you can access support that will help you develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle. This includes services such as exercise physiology, dietetics, and personal training.

Personal training is an excellent option for NDIS participants who need additional support to achieve their fitness goals. With the help of a personal trainer, you can create a personalized exercise program that considers your individual needs and abilities. The trainer can also help you stay motivated and accountable, making it easier to stick to your fitness routine.


Use your NDIS funds

To use your NDIS funds for personal training, you need to find a personal trainer who is registered with the NDIS. The trainer must be able to provide evidence that they meet the registration requirements, such as appropriate qualifications and insurance coverage. You can find a list of registered NDIS providers on the NDIS website or by contacting the NDIS directly.

Once you have found a registered personal trainer, you can discuss your fitness goals and needs. They will then develop a personalized exercise program considering your abilities, limitations, and interests. They will also work with you to develop a plan to track your progress and adjust your program.

NDIS funds are only for reasonable and necessary disability-related support. Your personal training program must help you manage your disability’s physical health and well-being. Your trainer may focus on strength and balance exercises if you have mobility issues.

Other services

Personal training is just one of many Improved Health and Wellbeing services. Exercise physiology improves health and well-being through exercise. Exercise physiology can help you create a customized exercise program and provide education and support to keep you fit.

Improved Health and Wellbeing include dietetics. Dietitians can help you eat well and manage disability-related health issues. They can also create customized meal plans.

It is important to note that the NDIS will only fund reasonable and necessary services for your needs. This means that you must provide evidence that the support you seek is related to your disability and will help you achieve your goals. You may also need to provide evidence that the support you seek is unavailable through other sources, such as Medicare or private health insurance.

What can you do with NDIS funding?

NDIS may fund daily personal activities, transport to enable community, social, economic, and daily life activities, workplace help to help participants get or keep employment in the open or supported labor market, and more.

Therapies, assistive technology, home modifications, and mobility equipment are eligible for NDIS funding. Participants can spend a fixed amount of support on whatever they want. It’s limited because the NDIS empowers participants. Household expenses like rent, mortgage payments, groceries, and illegal activities like gambling, alcohol, and cigarettes aren’t funded.

Eligible individuals must apply and receive an “access decision” letter before creating their NDIS plan, a written agreement with the participant that outlines their needs, goals, and NDIS-funded supports. Due to their disability, people with NDIS funding may need help with daily tasks like eating, dressing, showering, cooking, and cleaning. NDIS participants can also use their funding to pay for writing, coaching, or editing services if the support is necessary due to their disability and helps them reach their goals.

The participant, plan nominee or child representative cannot self-manage NDIS funding if they are bankrupt and their property is controlled by creditors like their bank or the Australian Financial Security Authority. Finally, the NDIS bases its funding justification on reasonable and necessary support, abbreviated R and N. Interpretable NDIS supports are available.


1. Can I use my NDIS funds for personal training?

Yes, personal training falls under the Improved Health and Wellbeing category. It is considered a Capacity Building support, which helps participants build their independence and skills.

2. Do I need a referral from a healthcare professional to access personal training services under NDIS funding?

No referral is needed for NDIS-funded personal training. Your doctor should discuss your fitness goals and needs. Add them to your NDIS goals.

3. What personal training services can I access under NDIS funding?

You can use your NDIS funds to hire a personal trainer to help you improve your physical and mental health. This has often increased people’s independence and boosted their self-confidence.

4. Can I choose to self-manage my NDIS funding for personal training services?

Yes, you can self-manage your NDIS funding and use it to pay for personal training services.

Note: Consult your healthcare provider and NDIS planner for the best NDIS-funded personal training options.